Category: Docker

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Docker compose: what is it? How can you use it?

Docker compose (also called docker-compose) is a tool for designing and running multi-container applications. Following Docker‘s one application per container it is difficult to create or to containerize applications that have multiple components or servers. Thanks...

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What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an orchestration tool that provides many important features like: scaling, scheduling, self-healing, load balancing, cluster management and monitoring to a container solution, usually Docker. “What th-?” If you’re about to say that, this is...

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A comprehensive guide to Docker Volumes

In the world of containers, and especially in Docker, data persistence is an important topic. Docker containers are ephemeral by nature and storing data inside a container is a really bad idea. To achieve data persistence...

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Docker Basics

In this article I will show you how you can move your very first steps in the container world using Docker. Docker has many features that can help resolve different problems, today it is mostly used...

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Docker what is it and how to get started

Containers are one of the most observed technologies lately, with high performance, great functionalities and higher scalability than VMs; they promise much but they’re still a somewhat untested technology. Yet times are coming close and many brave...