Category: Linux

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Fedora CoreOS preview released: fire the Ignition

Following the acquisition of CoreOS last year, Red Hat announced it would integrate CoreOS into its ecosystem. This was the birth of Fedora CoreOS, a great announcement, but no real build… until now. Fedora CoreOS is...


Linux TCP bug could put you in a SACK

Linux is the most used kernel in the world (if we don’t consider MINIX), it powers many devices such as Android phones, supercomputers, server clusters and (the brave few) desktops. A new bug affecting SACKs was...

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How to install Fedora 30 in 10 easy steps

Fedora 30 is 2019 first release of developers’ favorite operating system, and it also may be one of the last ones before IBM acquires Red Hat. Packing cutting-edge features and pushing forward the whole Linux ecosystem...