Tagged: ZFS

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Getting started with BTRFS

BTRFS is a file system with logical volumes capabilities and data integrity features that is getting a lot of attention in the Linux world. Learn how to get started today!

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BTRFS: what is it and why is it great?

In the computer world and particularly in the Linux world there are many filesystems available: ext, XFS, NTFS, FAT32 to name a few. BTRFS is a relatively new filesystem that is quickly gaining attention in the...

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Building a reliable NAS – Part 1

So I had been mulling over this idea for a while: building a NAS. “Why would I build one, if I could build a reliable one?” I thought soon after. And that’s how this post series...

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FreeNAS: the ultimate NAS operating system

If you’re an habitual reader of this blog you surely know I mostly speak about Linux, well this article is about FreeNAS which is not based on Linux. FreeNAS is an enterprise-grade operating system based on...

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Ubuntu 16.04 new features, now with Unity offline!

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS codename “Xenial Xerus” will be the first release of 2016 and is by many considered an “epochal release” that breaks the stasis of the precedent releases. Let’s take a look at the improvements...

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Data Corruption what is it, strategies to avoid it

In front of a file damaged, even a system file, you may not be desperate. However, when it comes to personal photo, valuable data or work files, the reaction changes drastically. Let’s discover the world of...