Marksei Weekly sysadmin pills

Fedora Logo 0

Fedora 31 new features: Python 2 EOL, 32bit dropped

Fedora 31 is the newest release of 2019 of the popular power user distribution: Fedora. Fedora is the base for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and it is favored among developers. Let’s discover what will change in...


CentOS 8 and CentOS Stream, what’s new

CentOS is the Community ENTerprise Operating System. Derived from RHEL, the popular enterprise Linux distribution, CentOS aims to deliver the same experience for free (if you don’t need Red Hat’s support). CentOS 8 was released on...

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K3OS: pico Kubernetes operating system

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way to manage containerized workloads at scale. Kubernetes is the perfect tool when you need to scale horizontally, but what happens when you run Kubernetes on a 1GB RAM node? Things start...

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Helm: the package manager for Kubernetes

Containers have revolutionized the way we create, develop and deploy applications. While managing large fleets of containers is difficult, Kubernetes handles it very well… but managing Kubernetes is hard. On top of that, composing multi-container applications...

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Traefik: the Cloud Native Edge Router

In the age of containers, fast-paced and miniaturized, old software needed to adapt fast. When that was not possible, or slow, a slew of new software was born. Among this was Traefik, the self-proclaimed Cloud Native...

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Developing with Kubernetes: a list of tools

Kubernetes is the container orchestration king, usually accompanied by Docker, it dominates the container scene. The “containerization race” has begun with one fundamental actor stopped at the starting point: developers. While Kubernetes is hard, developing with...

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SWAPGS: Meltdown may be over, Spectre looms

Meltdown and Spectre are, without doubt, the worst vulnerabilities discovered in the last decade, thanks to a joint effort between software vendors, fixes were rolled out before things could become catastrophic. While everything seems to have...