Tagged: Kubernetes

OpenShift Logo 11

MiniShift setup on Windows: OpenShift on Windows

OpenShift is a great PaaS platform by Red Hat that leverages container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. If you want to try OpenShift but don’t want to set up a real, full-blown cluster this solution...

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OpenShift: the ultimate guide to the ultimate PaaS

OpenShift is a PaaS platform produced by Red Hat that leverages container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. With its outstanding features that allow both developers and administrators to meet halfway, OpenShift is a solid infrastructure...

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Docker compose: what is it? How can you use it?

Docker compose (also called docker-compose) is a tool for designing and running multi-container applications. Following Docker‘s one application per container it is difficult to create or to containerize applications that have multiple components or servers. Thanks...

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What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an orchestration tool that provides many important features like: scaling, scheduling, self-healing, load balancing, cluster management and monitoring to a container solution, usually Docker. “What th-?” If you’re about to say that, this is...

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Fedora 24 new features: Docker, Origin and more!

Fedora is the fast-paced bleeding-edge distribution of Red Hat. Fedora 24 is the first release of 2016 the other being Fedora 25. Let’s discover what lies in the future of this popular Linux distribution especially among...