Tagged: Ubuntu

Ubuntu 16.10 - Installation 0

How to install Ubuntu 16.10 in 10 easy steps

Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak is the second release of the year 2016 for one of the most popular Linux distribution in the world. Let’s learn how to install it in 10 easy steps.

Snap package format 0

Snap: Package any app for any Linux device

In Linux we have a multitude of package managers, each with its own pros and cons. Today we’ll speak about Snap: a universal package manager sponsored by Canonical, the society behind Ubuntu.

Flatpak logo 2

Flatpak: the future of package managers

In Linux we have a multitude of package managers, each with its own pros and cons. Let’s discover Flatpak, formerly GNOME xdg-app, the package manager that aims to provide cross-platform sandboxed packages to every Linux distribution.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus Alpha 1 3

Ubuntu 16.04 new features, now with Unity offline!

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS codename “Xenial Xerus” will be the first release of 2016 and is by many considered an “epochal release” that breaks the stasis of the precedent releases. Let’s take a look at the improvements...

Ubuntu systemd 15.04 installation 0

Ubuntu: how to remove older kernels automatically

Today, for the first time I encountered a strange behaviour on a machine with Ubuntu 15.10 . The problem itself was quite strange and rendered the machine unusable with default boot settings.

Linux penguins 0

Linux distributions, which one is perfect for you?

I don’t know where you come from and how you happen to be here, but chances are that you want to make the switch (to Linux) and are here because you don’t know where to start....