Tagged: Ubuntu


How to install Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf

Ubuntu 15.10 is the second release of Ubuntu for the year 2015. It doesn’t pack many exciting features, however it brings the usual updates to desktop environments. Learn how to install it by following this easy...

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Ubuntu 15.10 new features, still no Unity 8

As every regular Ubuntu-fan would know, October is near, and so the next release of Ubuntu: 15.10 codename Wily Werewolf is scheduled to be released on the 22th October. This new version is essentially a bunch...

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How to install Ubuntu 15.04

Ubuntu was released just a week ago, not much improvement on the surface, but big things happened under the hood. First of all is the switch to systemd, bringing a faster boot time on some machines....

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Ubuntu Next (alias Ubuntu + Touch)

The tablet market is ever extending. Back in the dark days of IT, touch was only a dream of a few people, also even less people could afford touchscreens. Today touchscreens are a reality and everybody...

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Ubuntu 15.04 is switching to systemd

Ubuntu 15.04 will be the first release of the 2015 and it is scheduled to be released in April. One of the most bumping changes is the switch from Upstart to systemd (yes it is written...