Tagged: Beginner

Linux Mint Desktop 0

How to install Linux Mint 19 in 10 easy steps

After two years since Linux Mint 18 “Sarah”, a new version of the popular Linux distribution geared towards desktop users is available. Meet the new Linux Mint 19 “Tara” and learn how to install it in...

Kubernetes Logo 3

Minikube: Try Kubernetes on Windows without headaches

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration software. After winning the so-called container war, Kubernetes affirmed itself as the leader in its field. However Kubernetes is complex, really complex if you’re just getting started. If you want...

Fedora 28 - GNOME Desktop 0

How to install Fedora 28 in 10 easy steps

Fedora 28 is the first release of 2018 of the developers’ favorite operating system. Packing cutting-edge features and pushing forward the whole Linux ecosystem here comes Fedora 28 and how to install it!

OpenShift Logo 11

MiniShift setup on Windows: OpenShift on Windows

OpenShift is a great PaaS platform by Red Hat that leverages container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. If you want to try OpenShift but don’t want to set up a real, full-blown cluster this solution...